Транзакта ООД - консултантска фирма

Beyond the horizon ...
with us



If you considering to sell your business, to attract strategic or financial partner, to develop your business significantly or to achieve this through the acquisition of your competitor or concomitant business. We offer:

  • To be your lead transaction advisory;
  • Financial due diligence;
  • Deal structuring;
  • Negotiation support;
  • Project management and project financing;
  • Privatisation advisory and assistance in tender preparation and submission.

What the Client Gets?

  • Competent evaluation of the financial aspects of a business combination and hence added value in the Client’s business and/or investment;
  • Fast closure of the transaction with minimum time spent by the Client’s key managers;
  • The best possible transaction structure to minimize risks, transaction and tax expenses while achieve the Client’s goals.